On the day
The aim of the Mock Test sessions is to replicate a real test environment, the only way this can be achieved, is with parents support. Please read the following notes on what is expected on the day.
Time keeping - So we can settle everyone and start promptly we need everyone to arrive and register at their allocated time slot. Late arrivals may not be allowed to enter until the break.
Registration - Full joining instructions will be provided in your booking confirmation and prior to the event, giving time slot allocations.
Mobile phones - We kindly request your child does not bring a mobile phone. If your child needs to have a mobile phone, please ensure it is turned off, not set to silent as even vibrations can be distracting.
Belongings - Please do not bring valuables, iPads or other items, as well as being a distraction we cannot guarantee the safe keeping of these items.
Equipment - Please ensure students have 2 pencils, ruler and rubber. They may wish to bring a water bottle.
Refreshments - No refreshments will be provided but children can bring their own. Please ensure they do not contain nuts. Please ensure they have their own hand sanitiser.
Allergies - Please can parents advise of any allergies, in advance and at registration on the day.
Toilet Breaks -Please can parents ensure their child visits the toilet before arriving at the test so that we can minimise the use of the toilets. Toilets will be available for students to use if required.
Health & Safety
Please ensure your child has the appropriate clothing and footwear.
Talking - To ensure the environment replicates a true test environment, there will be no talking during the tests. If your child needs to get a member of staff’s attention, they will be asked to raise their hand.
Behaviour - Children will be expected to behave in an appropriate manner and follow instructions given by Mock Transfer staff. Anyone not behaving will be asked to leave the test hall. They may be readmitted or if required, parents will be contacted to collect them early.
Pick Up - We would ask that parents collect their children promptly after the test. No later than 15 minutes after the session ends.
Support Material - Parents will be able to buy additional support material at the end of the session, such as books, games and test timers (Subject to availability)