Please note that the test papers are not released to parents due to copyright, however we offer a chance to come and see the papers at our Paper Review sessions.
Papers are scanned, marked and formal report emailed to parents within 3 working days. The report shows the score, ranking, correct, incorrect, missed questions and peer analysis.
Parents attending the Paper Review will need to bring a copy of the report with them. To maximise the benefit, we recommend parents identify areas / questions they wish to review in advance.
On arrival papers are made available for parents and students to review. (Self-Help) Our qualified staff are on hand should parents require assistance, they offer support and methods to help students learn from their mistakes.
Please note this is not a 121 session with a tutor.
Time & Place
Paper Reviews take place Thursday evenings at Queens School from 6.00pm to 7.30pm.
Booking a place
To allow everyone access, these sessions are time allocated. We ask that parents arrive at the time booked and vacate at the end of their session.
Parents will need to book in advance if they wish to attend. We cannot guarantee space will be available without a booking.
Papers are copyrighted and the intellectual property is owned and retained by Mock Transfer Tests.
Papers are only available to those parents that have booked and paid for a paper review, or it is part of their subscription pack.
Parents may take notes but are not permitted to copy questions, or take photographs